Monday, August 10, 2009

Update Marriott Hotel Availablity

Marriott Hotel is booked for Saturday night.

The Marriott is working on getting us more rooms. The other hotels will honor the rate. I will have more info tomorrow. There will be shuttle service.

A question came up re: spouse sign ups. If you are unsure if the spouse can attend, do not sign them up. As we get closer, we will need to get a count for the events.

WRT, football tickets and tailgate. We are waiting to see if there is any possiblity of using the Athletic Dept tent after the game. If the answer is no, we will have a tailgate and post game social to be included with ticket in a separate area. We will keep the price down and make it great for all. Thank you for all you do!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hotel filling up!!

If you do not have rooms for the reunion, you need to call the Marriott directly at 719-260-1800, and ask for the Class of 1984 rate, if that does not work, ask for the USAFA Booster Club rate, if still no help, say you are Troy Calhoun.......that is how fast these rooms are going.

We are going to get another hotel, most likely another Marriott Brand, east of the Stadium, or by Gleneagle, and get shuttles to run to-from our events.

Going to be great time...hope you can make it
