USAFA 1984 30th Class Reunion
October 1-5, 2014
Schedule of Events
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Please send in any questions/ideas to
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
1700-2000 No-host social Marriott
1800-2200. Local Restaurants available for Dinners
Thursday, October 2, 2014
1130 Women's Lunch Margarita @Pine Creek
1130-1300 Pre-Golf Lunch Eisenhower GC
1130-1300 Pre-Golf Lunch Eisenhower GC
1300 Shotgun Start Blue Course Eisenhower GC
1800-2400 Class Social (Heavy hors d'oeuvres) Marriott Hotel
Friday, October 3, 2014
1000-1600 Cadet Open House (Badges Mandatory) Cadet Area
1000-1200 Prep School Open House Prep School
1330-1500 Senior Staff Briefings Fairchild Hall F-1
1645-1730 Memorial Ceremony Cadet Chapel
1900-2400 Class Dinner Marriott
Saturday, October 4, 2014
1030 Tailgate Falcon Stadium
1330 USAFA vs USNA Falcon Stadium
1800 Squadron Activities TBD
1900 Jewish Yom Kippur Cadet Chapel
Sunday, October 5, 2014
1000 Catholic Sunday Mass Cadet Chapel
1000 Protestant Service Cadet Chapel